Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Library

I ventured in on Saturday. I have not been able to read a book since last June. Magazine articles: sometimes. Even some emails have been too much for my concentration.

But, I had this idea that I could maybe read something not challenging. So, I went in and located three potential books (_Breaking Her Fall_—Stephen Goodwin, Ann Packer’s latest (the title of which I forget and have already returned it) and _Belong to Me_, Marisa de los Santos.

I nervously took them to the desk and my heart stopped when the librarian asked for my card a second time, it turns out in order to update it but in that brief moment I wondered if my card had been revoked for some reason, and I even managed to exchange a few words with her (“I cried over _Belong to Me_”, she said. “I haven’t cried since _The Time Travelers Wife_”, I replied. “Oh! I loved that book!” and so on.)

I have been on a binge since Saturday morning. I am nearly through the third and went and got three more to make sure I don’t run out. I’m afraid that if I stop, my ability to read will leave again and I don’t think I could bear another year without books.